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  • Writer's pictureRita Furlow

A move of God happens when people come together in Unity, has nothing to do with a Physical Building

I strongly believe Social media ministry and in house fellowships will be the norm. Having house to house fellowships, breaking bread and in prayer with other believers like the Apostles did. Some people are sick of all the foolishness that goes on in some of these witchcraft ministries being led by Jezebel demonic influence and not by the Authentic Holy Spirit and the real authentic prophets can see that many Churches, not all have been taken over by witches and warlocks from same sex ministries ,sexual perversion, worldliness, false worship to division among st other leaders in same community not willing to come together and do kingdom but rather compete and build their own worldly networks to feed their own pride and sinful carnal natures, and this is why more exposure is coming. A lot of foolishness is being swept under the rug for folk can keep sowing and ain't growing spiritually or naturally. Yes God still has a remnant that hasn't bowed to Baal worship and leaders after his heart but the labors are very few for narrow is the way but broad is the way that leads to destruction.. There is a cry for a real move of God like the days of Pentecost and those who who are hungry after God will receive directly from the Lord Jesus Christ himself without man's pride interfering. Many will be receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and a manifesting presence of the supernatural Glory of right in the privacy of their homes. Jesus taught the disciples on a hillside most of the time and the Apostles came out just fine preaching, teaching and casting out devils..

Effective ministry have nothing to do with buildings made by hands but hearts being changed through the word of God and being connected to the right people who truly have an ear to hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying to the Church. Buildings are a great tool for ministry for those who use it for the right reasons but it's not a necessity for ministry. You can fellowship with anyone in his name and God will still get the Glory. Forsake not fellowship had nothing to do with physical buildings but coming together in the spirit of Unity whether be at the library, schoolhouse auditorium, house, outside etc. Whether a physical building or not if God not their you having Church in vain anyway. God must be our center focus no matter where you decide to fellowship, so he can get the Glory and the kingdom of God can be advanced. In my conclusion it don't matter how you come together or where you come together, as long as you connected to God fearing, Holy Spirit filled people who are on fire for God, seeks the righteousness of God, hate what is evil and teaching the uncompromising word of God and you will know the truth when you hear it because it will set you FREE from sin..

The Church isn't a building the Church is within you and when you meet with other Holy Spirit filled believers in spirit in and in truth NO Matter where you are at the Power of God ignites and invades the Earth.

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